Thursday, August 24, 2023

DGmag Zinely, Issue 01 - What A Wacky Zine

Released on the 24th August 2023

Here we are followers. The very first DGmag Zinely. And boy, what an issue it is.

After failing to successfully print out a DGmag due to alignment errors, Dominic (The Editor) ponders on the idea of a DGmag zine. Essentially, it will be a sister comic to DGmag that is smaller and easier to mass produce (much to Boy and Cat’s sceptical disapproval). 

Dominic must soon learn that even with his very wacky mindset, that perhaps he should allow the DGmag characters to fully run the new DGmag zines in the future…

So laugh, giggle, and titter yourself silly with the All New DGmag Zinely!! (Regular DGmags are still available to read of course)

Ginger’s clearly not sold on the idea.
(She soon will be readers. She soon will be.)

Have a Snickers Dominic. You’re not you when you’re hungry!

That sure is a lot of now redeemed as ‘scrap paper’ Dominic.
Any plans on what to do with said paper? Wallpaper, perhaps?

Sigh. A bit of a ‘bog standard’ prank if I do say so myself.

Hopefully a spare roll was nearby, right Hood?

This was more like a nightmare than a normal DG comic strip.
Ginger and myself still haven’t recovered from the experience…

Tam did have some stern words so I’ve heard. The Editor is
apparently quivering in a corner. Serves him right after what he
put me and Ginger through.

You guessed it, I do own these items in real life. Erm, I mean,
The Editor that is. Yes…

Mindi has blown her top. Run Hood. Run!

Ah, Occunio. So good of you to finally turn up! (Since his
mention in 2021 that is)

I only hope that Riding Hood can run the zine better than
The Editor.

I wonder what Lucy’s zine is called? Perhaps nothing if it only
consists of colourful images and shapes.

Variant Covers

A slight different variation on the DGmag Zinely circle logo.

Alternate pages

Since 2025, Jackatyke shall be renamed to simply Jack. Therefore, as I haven't exactly known how to write his name (as Jack A Tyke, Jackatyke or now Jack), I have decided to add in two extra variants on page 15 which use both these versions in Dom's speech bubble.

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