Saturday, February 22, 2025

DGmag Zinely Issue: 03, Zinemageddon

Issue: 03

Released: 3rd March 2025

Hiya DGmag Zinely readers, Yoyo here and yet again, we face another wacky and zany edition of the DGmag Zinely. This time around... BABIES! Taking over your zine! Oh no! But don't go blaming me. Ginger's already gone and done that! Rude cat! On my planet entitled Yarsh, our Yarshee race of martians are nowhere near as rude as this! I should complain to Dominic about this...


Not so cute... A horrifying Disney-fied version of The Editor Dominic. AGHHHHHH!!!

This is Zinemageddon!

Erm... It is DGmag! Shhh Tam and Mojo!

GET THAT BABY OF DOM'S iPAD!! She'll mess up his drawings.

Well... I don't recall this cartoon being shown in the 1950s.


Sleep hasn't been the same since. My sweet dreams of unicorns and sweets
are now full of this nightmare induced version of Dominic.

I'm not too sure whether it's best to stock up on milk, stock up on rusks,
or (gulp)...stock up on nappies!


Great! Just great! More nappies!

You know... I now feel kinda sorry for him. Also, this is beginning to
confuse me. I'm sure this cartoon version of the Editor reminds me
of a cartoon villain from Doctor Who? Hmm?...

Even I'm a baby here. It was all kind of ok. That was, until I got a
craving for rusks and milk. Now I cannot stand them!!

Sylvia doggies? I need a lie down...


The alternative cover, as a baby would view DGmag.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

DGmag, Issue 92: The Cola Express

Issue: 92

Released: 21st December 2024


Come and join me Yoyo, as we once again brace ourselves for another funtastically epic edition of DGmag!

This time around, I eat some gingerbread cookies. Ginger chases her tail, and Dominic is telling me off! Huh? Oh yeh. That's what's happening right now. Doh!

What really happens in this issue, is that Riding Hood tells a story about The Cola Express. It sounds so magical and zany. I enjoy the occasional cola too. Albeit, your earth based human cola is no match for our alien colas. I prefer that metallic taste of sour bumble fruit, which our cola tastes like. It is also soft, unlike your fizzy cola. What's wrong with you humans?!!

Anyway, let's read on inside, shall we?

Erm... Pardon you Hood.

Oh dear... Nappy Christmas one and all.

Is this story even allowed? Is Hood going to get sued for copyright laws? Oh noes!

Allllll aboarrrrrrdddd!!


Little Rude Riding Hood... The only boy in known history to knock down
a Christmas tree just by burping! Disgustingly impressive Hood!

AGHHHH!! Cover your ears! Quick!! Also... WHO is that young boy in a long scarf? Hmmmm...

Screacher's not all that bad really... Well, when he's happy anyway!

Rufus and Percy? Who are they?



See you for more chaos in 2025 readers!

Monday, October 28, 2024

DGmag, Issue 91: Halloween Shenanigans

Issue: 91

Released: 28th October 2024


Yoyo here again! And I'm SO hYpEr RiGhT nOw!! I've had SO muCH HALLOWEEN CANDY!! CAN YOU TELL?!!!

(Ginger: "I think you 'might' need to head on up to bed now dear Yoyo...")


(Ginger: "...Oh dear...")

(Not so long later...)

Ok, all! Ginger here. Young Yoyo's just had a massive sugar hit, so is now fast asleep on our sofa. I think that with a nice pillow and blanket, we'll let her spend the night there. With that in mind, I must now become the narrator again. (Sigh)...

Wooooo dear readers! It's Halloween time, and that means it's time for yet again, another spooky fun filled edition of DGmag! Isn't that just grand? My owner has once again, spent his precious time on making another comic, instead of FEEDING ME!!!

But not to worry, I know where the cat food is kept. In fact, I've stashed up on a bit of kibble for later so that when Dominic goes to bed, me and the other cats will binge watch some Halloween TV. Mwe hee hee. That'll teach him!

Blimey young Hood. Keep your head on!

Yoyo was hyper earlier too. I think she 'might' have an addiction to sweets.

To be honest, smelly babies are scarier than any Halloween ghoul.

HOOD! Go and wash your feet! Such disgusting behaviour!!

And now he's passed wind too has he?!! Oh, this is just awful...

I've heard of too much TV giving you square eyes, but turning a
cat possessed is a bit too much, don't you think?

This evil blighter didn't even leave any for us. Rude nitwit!!

Blimey! How many crystal balls does she need? Isn't one enough
to be telling people's fortunes?

More possession?!! Give me a break!

I've heard of the opera Ruddigore, I MEAN, Shuttydoor before...

My owner will be in Bath G&S's Ruddig... I mean, Shuttydoor, this year too!
(This is actually true. My owner Dominic is to be in the Bath G&S
society's opera of Ruddigore this December.)

Ah! Dogtor Who is back in DGmag it seems? It's been a while hasn't it?