Released: 21st December 2023
Merry Christmas DGmag readers! It might be a bit late, but better late than never.
Actually, in 2014, the Christmas issue released I think on Boxing Day. Oh cripes!
Luckily this time around, we have a bumper 24 paged issue released before Christmas Day. WAHOO!
What's that Ginger? Yes, The Grunge is annoying. WHAT? You mean my obsession with the band Sparks is annoying? What a rude cat!!
(UPDATE: 11/02/24 - What was I on about? There were no pranks in this issue at all. Hence why I've changed the cover slightly. DOH! Advertising something not in the issue. Very naughty Dominic. I'll have to make it up for you lot next issue perhaps?)
Is this a relative of The Grinch perhaps?
Oh come on! He's even ruined the intro page. |
A lot to pack into our festive bumper edition. |
Come on Tammy. It's only a bowl of cereal. Still, Mojo is a rude penguin... |
Is that, is that Beep the Meep? |
Ah yes. Nothing like a nice roast beast with all the furry trimmings! |
An advertisement? In DGmag? It must be Christmas. Oh, wait. It is. |
Sorry Jixxie. But £7.00 for two playing cards is nothing. Some trading cards these days cost WAY more than that! |
To be honest, how Lucy is such a good singer for a baby is quite frankly a Christmas miracle. First the summer special and now this? Get her on broadway! |
Nappy Christmas one and all! |
A Grunge filled epiphany? It really is Christmas! |
Oh dear. More roast beast? Here, try a turkey. It's not as furry. |
Mojo too, will go down in history. Once Tam catches up with him! |
Meh Puffs can be found in all lame supermarkets. I recommend that you go with Choco Puffs. They're a lot nicer! |
Tsk, tsk! Watch your potty mouth Jon! It is Christmas after all. |
Oh dear. I wonder if the tiny Elfball replica has an even tinier Elfball replica too? |
I don't know what Occunio is complaining about. Some places would charge higher. |