Issue: 83
Released: 27/11/22
Well readers, here we are at last! The final DGmag of the current era. And boy, do I revamp my comics a lot! And by that, I do mean, a lot!
It felt like only yesterday, when the first all new look issue was made for the 2020 revamp, then we unfortunately hit a pandemic. Luckily though, I was able to juggle a fair few DGmags of the new incarnation for that year.
Now though, as we approach the final month of 2022, I thought it only fitting to revamp my comic once again for the 2023 era. What will DGmag exactly look and feel like? Who knows yet, who knows?
Because a lot is changing to DGmag next year, I thought that it was a novel idea to have the 2023 Christmas issue be a celebration of what we've had since the 2020 redesign as well as a look at what's to come next. The current Riding Hood will be replaced by a boy, and thus our current Hood becomes a new character, Robbing Hood. Also, we have the return of an iconic character. Plus, we have a new logo next year, the 10th anniversary next year, and some new characters too.
With that all in mind, I present to you, the issue named only fittingly, End Of An Era!
A very festive cover! |
I don't think Arya likes being carried in a rucksack Dominic. |
Something tells me that Candi's not used to Dominic's stupid behaviour. Well Candi, you have a lot more to come... |
Something fishy is going on here! |
Oh Goshy! He really is the new current Riding Hood now, isn't he? |
Yes! Thank you, Arya! I think that Dominic is quite aware of his error! |
It's an SOS emergency! Somebody bring in a nappy changer!! |
I mean, I knew that Doctor David Tennant was returning, but this is just ridiculous! - Ginger |
I don't recall this version sung in The Jungle Book... |
Poor Innocence and Dominic are having a smelly Christmas too. |
All pets are the same when it comes to Christmas dinner. |
A look at what's to come in 2023... |
See the alternate covers for this very issue...